30 Days to Your Next 200 LinkedIn Connections

30 Days to Your Next 200 LinkedIn Connections

Did you know there's a connection invitation limit on LinkedIn? It's right around 100 per week.

Spammers equipped with automation were mass blasting hundreds of invitations at a time, but now they're feeling the crack-down.

Expect to see fewer salesy connection invitations because we're all sending these one-by-one, like a human.

Strategic LinkedIn networking has ALWAYS been about quality, not quantity.

To build your network the right way, you must take a little time to craft tailored connection invitations that resonate with your potential connections.

Join me in this episode of Mondays with Mindi where we get to the bottom of connection invitations that work like a charm!

I share a few of my favorite formulas, some tips about how to find the right people to reach out to, and a simple way you can keep in touch with your new connections!

Stop Trying to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

Stop Trying to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

How You Can Start Networking on LinkedIn

How You Can Start Networking on LinkedIn