Getting Started with Hashtags on LinkedIn

Getting Started with Hashtags on LinkedIn

Which hashtags should I use on LinkedIn? How many hashtags are too many? Should I create my own hashtag to build thought leadership? Do hashtags work the same on LinkedIn as other channels?

Since 2007 when the first hashtag was used on Twitter by a "too nerdy" Tom Huddleston Jr. Chris Messina, they have since exploded onto the scene to help us better communicate on the socials.

Hashtags have helped us share the nuance of a topic, get into larger conversations, spark movements that change the culture, cleverly help us share insider knowledge, and even kickstart new trends!

LinkedIn was a slow adopter, but now hashtags definitely "are a thing" that every LinkedIn user should know how to use effectively.

In this episode of Mondays with Mindi, we discuss all things LinkedIn hashtags and cover the gamut from how to get started with them on LinkedIn as a beginner to how to use hashtags like a pro!

Why Do Hashtags Matter on LinkedIn?

I’ve had a number of people ask me if they even need to use hashtags if they’re happy with their network size…

If you’re NOT using hashtags, you’re missing a HUGE opportunity to increase the visibility of your posts beyond your immediate LinkedIn network.

When you don’t use a hashtag, the only people who will see your post appear in their feed are your first degree connections AND if they don’t like or engage with your post, it dies right then and there.

No chance for anyone else to see it!

Even if you are NOT trying to become the next LinkedIn influencer, you want your potential reach to be as extensive as possible. 

Your post engagement depends on it, which leads to building trust with the people who will eventually want to work with you (or hire you, if you’re a job seeker.)

Hashtags are a very EASY way to instantly increase your post’s reach without having to attract new followers or build a massive LinkedIn network.

Hashtags are excellent for those new to LinkedIn posting to get some traction with a small network. They’re also important for those of you with an extensive, growing network to continue to build thought leadership by increasing your reach.

Sold on hashtags, yet? Let’s get into the details!

Where can you use hashtags on LinkedIn?

If you’re a job seeker or not actively trying to grow your network, you might assume that hashtags are NOT a big deal for you.

The thing is… hashtags can be used in other places besides your LinkedIn posts. 

Have you heard of digital creator mode? Yeah, where you get to choose five hashtags that speak to the topics you’re an expert in.

Hashtags are a way to show that you’re “in the know” on LinkedIn when you use them well, and they instantly allow people to figure out what you’re talking about.

There’s nuance with hashtags, and you can actually leverage hashtags to become the dominant voice on a hashtag if that’s your goal.

So many ways to use hashtags, but where do you actually start?

You want to start simple.

It’s not about using too many hashtags because the algorithm doesn’t like that. It’s about using hashtags in a way that makes sense for your personal brand or your LinkedIn Page.

Use Hashtags as Part of Your Overall Strategy

Hashtags are a way to make your posts and profile stand out from the crowd. 

Think of them as an accessory, like Social Curator expert, Jasmine Star, likes to call them.

They’re not the full outfit you’re putting on, but they do add that little extra something that makes the outfit feel put together.

When I use a hashtag for my own posts or with my clients, I think about the different types of people who use those hashtags and may be searching for those topics on LinkedIn.

Your hashtags should be used appropriately and match the content on your profile or in your posts. Don’t use a hashtag just because it’s popular - it needs to be what you specifically want people to think about when they read your post. 

You’re “categorizing” your post or your profile by the hashtags you use. Make sure they’re aligned with your overall business strategy.

Hashtags are important to your business strategy on LinkedIn and on other channels. They’re not something you just use willy-nilly.

Let’s talk about 10 hashtag tips and answer your questions for those of you ready to make the most of your hashtags… ready? Let’s do this!

10 Must-Know LinkedIn Hashtags Tips

Let’s talk about how you can take that next step towards crafting thought leadership content with your hashtags -- not just posting well-thought-out content and a great profile, but helping people understand what you’re REALLY good at… instantly!

This is all about changing peoples’ perspectives and helping them to see something they assumed to be unequivocally true through another lens. (Watch the video above if you want to go deeper with these answers!)

#1 - Which hashtags should I use on LinkedIn?

Do some initial research to figure out which hashtags are related to your areas of expertise and hashtags people in your target audience are already using. Don't get too clever with hashtags - maybe create one for your brand, but the rest should already be common.

#2 - Which 5 hashtags to use in Digital Creator Mode?

Choose the top five hashtags that speak to your areas of expertise. 3-4 of these should be very common and well-known hashtags. The other 1-2 can be hashtag(s) that you have created related to your product or service.

#3 - Are hashtags picked up by the LinkedIn algorithm?

Yes, the algorithm wants you to use hashtags that match the content you're sharing because it shows you are "in the know" and are not just adding hashtags without thought. When you thoughtfully add hashtags that get your content into the right hashtag streams, people are more likely to engage.

It's better to pick best-fit hashtags than it is to choose popular hashtags that are not exactly a good fit for the content you're sharing.

#4 - How do hashtags increase visibility and engagement?

When you share a LinkedIn post without hashtags, it only has the opportunity to appear in your networks' news feed. If nobody engages with your post, then it's unlikely to go beyond your network.

When you use hashtags, your posts can appear in the feeds of anyone who is following those hashtags. Instant visibility outside your network, which also means more people are likely to engage.

#5 - How do I pick the popular hashtags in my niche?

Pay attention to 3-5 people in your niche who regularly post content. Look at the hashtags they use on their profiles (if they have Digital Creator Mode turned on - it's right below their headline) and inside of their LinkedIn posts.

Do some hashtag research by using the LinkedIn search bar to find out which hashtags are actually being used (and followed) on LinkedIn.

#6 - How many hashtags should I use per post?

Currently, it's a best practice to choose three to five hashtags per post. More than that, and you're likely adding too many.

#7 - What are hashtag followers on LinkedIn?

Anyone can follow hashtags on LinkedIn by clicking "follow" when they come across a good hashtag. This act of following signals to LinkedIn that the follower would like to see posts using that hashtag in their LinkedIn news feed.

The more followers a hashtag has, the more potential reach the hashtag can give your content.

#8 - How do hashtags work on LinkedIn?

They work just like they do on Instagram and other channels, as long as they are in a LinkedIn post. When you see them hyperlinked, that means the hashtag "is active" on LinkedIn.

Note: Hashtags are not hyperlinked inside the LinkedIn headline or About or Experience sections. You can technically use them there, but they do not provide as much benefit.

#9 - Where should I use hashtags on LinkedIn - profile, posts, elsewhere?

Use hashtags in Digital Creator Mode at the top of your LinkedIn profile - choose your top five.

Use hashtags on every LinkedIn post you share from your profile.

Use hashtags on every LinkedIn post you share from a LinkedIn Page.

#10 - How do I create a hashtag strategy for my profile?

I'll be doing a follow-up session on this to go more in-depth. In a nutshell, you want to choose 5-15 "great fit" hashtags to use on LinkedIn for your LinkedIn posts and on your profile in the Digital Creator Mode section.

Spend time figuring out which ones seem to generate the most engagement and which posts appear to get engagement from people OUTSIDE your network -- this is a signal that these people might be coming from a hashtag you used.

There is no perfect way to use hashtags on LinkedIn, but you need to match your hashtags to the types of topics your audience would be looking or would be interested in on LinkedIn. I’ve seen too many people make assumptions about hashtags and either totally overdo hashtags because they think “more is better” OR ignore hashtags because they either don’t understand them or think they’re unnecessary.

Match your hashtag choices to your audience. They’ll start knowing which topics you enjoy discussing, and you’re well on your way to building trust with them.

My challenge for you -- think about your target audience and your people. Which hashtags do they use? Are there any that seem really popular? Should you create your own hashtag? Based on that information, determine which hashtags you should experiment with.

If you’re ready to dial in your LinkedIn profile for good and get started on building that strategic network, get on my waitlist for The LinkedIn Accelerator where I’ll be doing a free kickoff training to help you flesh out your LinkedIn strategy! 🚀

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